FREE video streaming to every TV in your Business.
Not only FREE, you can MONETIZE the system.
Customize your feed, promote your business and services for FREE.
More than one TV, no problem. Get a Free Player for EACH.
iHub Meta + Loop TV allows any business that is open to public to monetize their TV screens by plugging them into a simple device called a Loop Player.
Why pay companies like DISH their outrageous fees just to have premium content streamed into your business?
Why put up with local channels that advertise other businesses than yours?
With us you will be Monetizing your TV's, YOU EARN money off the streaming rather than spending money.
Ever watched YouTube? Notice the ads? Someone is making money on those ads, why not you?
This is how Premium Content will be streamed in a Business in 2022.
Why keep missing out on this opportunity?
Join now for FREE.